Adri J Berger
Portraits from Laos 360 Exhibition

“It was at elementary school that I saw my first movies, silent movies like Buster Keaton, during screenings to celebrate the headmaster’s birthday. I remember a profound feeling of curiosity about the medium and my interest for photography was born. In those days I was an avid reader but not much later my father bought our first television and I was hooked to the varied world on display. I grew up with six sisters and Felia was the one with a keen eye and a small Agfa Click camera. Her pictures are the few that survived and are part of our family’s documented history. I was deeply interested in these stills, the emotional response they provoked within me and the joy they provided. I got my hands on an old Russian camera. A beast to work with, but with careful planning the camera was very capable and I remember my first roll of film receiving compliments from my boss. I was hooked and started taking pictures for local newspapers. My learning ground became the world around me.”
Adri Berger is a photographer with many years of experience shooting commercial assignments across the world for a wide range of international clients. His impressive client list includes: multinational corporations, international publications, press associations, high profile arts organizations and NGO’s. His successful commissions have resulted in several prestigious industry awards with internationally recognized bodies such as The Association of Photographers (London) and the British Journal of Photography. He has also been short listed for the annual Portrait Prize organized by National Portrait Gallery, London, whilst sponsored by Schweppes. He received three nominations in the international Black and White Spider awards Los Angeles, and earned a silver, a bronze and an honourable mention in the prestigious PX3 awards in Paris. His work has been exhibited in a variety of solo and group shows at institutions including: Thomas Kettle Gallery (London), National Portrait Gallery (London), the Association of Photographers Gallery (London) and Naarden Fotofestival, Netherlands. Prints of his work are being held in the collection of the Arts Council in the UK.