Make Fine Art your Friend and make Friendships a Fine Art!

In this section you will find stories and news about our artists, upcoming events and exhibitions. Please visit the blog and contact us with any queries. Thank you.

360 Galleries
Virtual galleries in 360, online exhibitions and collections. Have a walk through these beautiful collections.

Art Advice
Art Advice Service, we have lots of experience. We can help with choices and show the art in your space.
Diversity by SHADA
A short video showing the artist at work and sharing thoughts about his ‘DIVERSITY’ exhibition, followed by an introduction of newly planned work in progress. […]
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Dreamer Suite
A beautifully crafted set of images by artist Adri Berger set to the deeply moving sound of ‘Dreamer Suite’ by the Brilliance. The message being; […]
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So Here it is Covid X-MAS
A talented bunch of people, our artists. Here is Michael Bishop with his band the ‘Warm Covers’ showing proudly his other amazing talents: singer, guitarist […]
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